Social Media Application
Note: You can basically call this Instagram Lite if you are familiar with Instagram.
Implemented Technologies: Kotlin, Room Database, Spring Boot, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose, MySQL
View frontend code on GithubWindows Downloads File Manager
Note: Because I hate typing 'Downloads' in the Windows search bar, I decided to code this Python script. This script changes the current directory of files in the Downloads folder and moves them under the Desktop directory.
Implemented Technologies: Python, PyQt
View on GithubYoutube Video Downloader
Note: Download videos from Youtube.
Implemented Technologies: Python, Pytube, PyQt6
View on GithubMovie Database Application
Note: In this application, user can see listed movies and their extra information such as duration, actors and plot. Users also able to share their comments on movies. Comments are storen in a database. Also, users can create a favorite movies list.
Implemented Technologies: Kotlin, Room Database, Worker, Retrofit
View on GithubUEFA Champions League 2022/2023 Data Visualization
Note: Note is not needed. Football fans will understand what I mean :).
Implemented Technologies: R, Ggplot2, Dplyr, Tidyr
View on GithubChess
Note: Every chess rule is implemented. Players have 10 minutes. Timer counts down after first move of each player.
Implemented Technologies: Java, JavaFX
View on GithubStock Market
Note: Companies are belong to stock market Istanbul. You can see prices and value of indexes.
Implemented Technologies: Java, Java Swing, MySQL, Web Scraping
View on GithubMusic Player
Note: There are 2 account types(Singer and Listener). In order to be able to publish a music, you must create a Singer account.
Implemented Technologies: Java, Java Swing, MySQL
View on GithubDestroy Cars
Note: You can move the plane with arrow keys(Right/Left). Maximum 5 cars displayed in the screen. Cars are created with random colors. After the game, you can see your scores on screen.
Implemented Technologies: C, OpenGL, Glut
View on GithubPlanets and Light Sources
Note: Color of three light sources and their combination are displayed in black planets. You can ON or OFF lights. Size and direction of the lights are randomly determined.
Implemented Technologies: C, OpenGL, Glut
View on GithubPool Appointment System
Note: You cannot create an account for Managers. If lifeguard or servant create an account, an account creation request is created and manager can see that request. To open an account manager must accept the request for both servant and lifeguard.
Implemented Technologies: Java, Java Swing
View on GithubHangman
Note: Words are chosen randomly. You can get a hint by clicking on hint button(1 hint per word).
Implemented Technologies: Java, Java Swing, MySQL
View on GithubCalculator
Note: For those who are bad at math :).
Implemented Technologies: Java, JavaFX
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